BTRC Acquire New Mascot!

15621600_10154857124128953_1431558465052774488_nA charity isn’t complete until they have their own mascot and it’s no different for The British Thoroughbred Retraining Centre! As a new year dawns, BTRC welcome in 2017 with their new mascot – BTRC Enygma.

Enygma, or Wash Bear as she is known at the centre, is on loan from World Horse Welfare Penny Farm. BTRC are delighted to be able to work with and support World Horse Welfare, whose mission is to work with horses, horse owners, communities, organisations and governments to help improve welfare standards and stamp out horse suffering in the UK and worldwide.


img-20170105-wa0003Like BTRC, WHW operate a rehoming loan scheme, with field officers nationwide visiting the horses and checking up on them in their new homes.

At just 7hh Emygma  is definitely the smallest BTRC resident but has settled in really well despite some initial funny looks from our thoroughbreds!

If you would like to find out more about their work or are looking to rehome a horse or pony take a look at their website