Loan Application Form

Before considering applying to loan a BTRC horse, please remember that the majority of our horses have entered the Centre via our Vulnerable Horse Programme. These horses may have been gifted for a variety of reasons such as abandonment, injuries and behavioural problems (this will be discussed with any future Loanee at a later stage of the process). The professional team at BTRC have worked hard to rehabilitate and retrain these wonderful animals to ensure they are given the best possible chance of being sustainable and useful in their future loan homes. Individuals who wish to loan a BTRC horse are usually familiar with our programme and understand the problems and hardships some of our horses have already faced in their life. Due to their background, this is often the reason many of our loaners wish to give a BTRC horse a secure and loving home.

The BTRC do not produce horses to a high level, as our objective is to help as many horses as possible. All BTRC horses that are assessed as being suitable to be re-homed have the foundation and basic skills; walk, trot, canter, poles and small jumps when appropriate. Please keep this in mind when applying as most horses will need their future loaner to continue the horse’s education and development. However, BTRC’s team are always on hand to give advice and support throughout the duration of the loan.

Unfortunately, we do not have any horses that can carry more than 12 stone, therefore please do not apply if you are over 12 stone.

What activity do you envisage using the horse for? Please tick one box below that best describes this. Please note the more activities you require of the horse could limit availability of suitable horses. (Hacking – please be aware that most of our horses have limited hacking practice especially during the winter months. It is therefore preferable that you are a confident rider on the road and can teach and give the horse support when necessary. In our experience if the rider lacks confidence then this is generally passed onto the horse and can cause unnecessary issues)(required)

What preference do you have for height? (required)

Do you have experience of riding Thoroughbred's? (required)

All applications must be accompanied by a video unless you are looking to loan a companion horse or can offer a hacking only home. All videos must include walk, trot and canter and if you require a horse to jump, must also include jumping. Please send the video to