BTRC Blog for Racing Together

BTRC CEO Gillian Carlisle was approached by Racing Together to write a blog for their website all about the work of BTRC and the challenges that lie ahead.

Racing Together is British racing’s community engagement activity and is a partnership of charities and other organisations who work across the sport to benefit others. Racing Together was formed to coordinate, support, represent and measure British racing’s community engagement activity that takes place right across the industry. Racing Together’s vision is for British racing to be known as a ‘force for good’ by helping the communities in which the sport operates.

In the blog Gillian discussed the future of Racehorse Welfare…
‘Times have changed and racing, like all industries, must be aware of their corporate social responsibilities – whether that is looking after the individuals who work within the industry or the communities that enjoy and support the sport. Britain is a country of animal lovers and society today is concerned with the use of any animal for entertainment. It is therefore vital that racing does everything within its power to care and protect the Thoroughbred throughout the course of the animal’s life – from birth, during the horse’s career and into retirement. If not, then society may revoke racing’s social licence to operate. Jurisdictions around the world are quickly realising that retired racehorse aftercare is vital to the industry’s survival.’

To read the blog in full, please click here.