Loaner Title
Mr Ms Dr Miss Mrs
Date of Birth
Daytime Telephone Number
Evening Telephone Number
Loaner Height
Feet Inches
Loaner Weight
Stone Pounds
e-Mail Address
Describe the facilities where the horse will be kept – acreage, grazing, fencing, stabling, watering:
For what purpose do you envisage using the horse e.g. local shows, hacking?
What preference do you have for height, sex and age of horse?
Explain your level of riding and how many years’ experience you have:
Have you ever competed, do you want to compete with your prospective horses and if so, to what level?
Prospective rider’s height and weight – honestly and accurately please!
How quickly are you looking to re-home a horse?
Veterinary surgeon – name, address and telephone number
Farrier – name, address and telephone number
Name, address, telephone number and email address of two referees who can vouch for your horse husbandry skills and financial stability
Why do you want to re-home a TRC horse?
Any additional relevant information that may increase your chances of becoming a successful TRC loaner
Where did you hear about the Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre
We would usually contact you to discuss your application during working hours between 8am and 5pm on weekdays. If it is not possible to contact you at these times, or you would prefer to be contacted at a specific time of day, please give details: