Hannah Tomkins loans BTRC Fruit and Nut from the British Thoroughbred Retraining Centre and on Sunday 2nd October 2022 will be running the London Marathon to raise much needed funds for BTRC.

Hannah’s Story:
I currently loan BTRC Fruit and Nut (Flo) from The British Thoroughbred Retraining Centre (BTRC) and will be running the London Marathon on behalf of the BTRC. I’m 25 and working as a junior doctor in the East Midlands. I’ve been running long distances for over a year but this will be my first marathon. Having visited the Centre on numerous ocassions to try Flo, I can see the hard work and dedication the team have towards rehabilitating the horses. The rehoming process and vulnerable horses programme shows how important it is to support the charity and how essential their work is to aid throughbreds leaving the racing industry. Wish me luck!
Please donate now to help Hannah achieve her fundraising target. The more money Hannah raises the easier those 26.2 miles will feel!!! (We hope )
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