We are delighted to announce the arrival of our new BTRC Horse Lorry. After receiving a generous grant from The Racing Foundation, we were able to secure a new horse lorry that would assist with the transportation of our BTRC horses. Whether that be; an emergency trip to the vets, collecting vulnerable horses in need of our help, a day out to the Races to promote our work, or visits to local training shows to assist with our retraining programme. The new horse lorry can carry up to 4 horses and has plenty of storage space for tack etc..
Whilst looking for our new lorry we found it difficult to source the quality of used vehicle with low mileage and the guarantee we required and most vehicles had large living areas that we did not require. After much research we found a company called ‘Tristar’ based in Wales, they have been operating for 30 years and were extremely professional. They were able to help us by building a purpose built vehicle with all our requirements – taking only 5 weeks from ordering to delivery!!
Once the vehicle had arrived, it was straight into action only a couple of days later – taking 4 horses to our Race Day at Aintree Racecourse. The horses travelled extremely well and arrived happy and settled ready for their duties at Aintree.
A very big thanks to The Racing Foundation for making this possible and don’t forget… if you see us out and about in it, give us a wave!
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