On 7th Feburary 2022 BTRC attended Aintree Racecourse for the second Association of Racecourse Veterinary Surgeons (ARVS) Casualty Management Seminar with 5 retired racehorses to assist over 100 racecourse vets with their training.
The annual seminar is organised by the ARVS and aims to deliver training updates and new practices to all racecourse vets in the UK to ensure the welfare of Thoroughbreds on and off track. Dr Ellen Singer DCM DVSc DipACVS/ECVS MRCVS (Associate Scientific Meeting Organiser for ARVS) said of the event “The meeting today is all about educating veterinary surgeons that work on the racecourse to a high standard so we can protect the welfare of the horses to the best of our ability during racing”.
The ARVS has been instrumental in improving the standard of veterinary care and welfare of horses on UK racecourses through the provision of quality CPD at the annual Casualty Management Seminar. One of the many training stations saw the “revolutionary” equine fracture support kit funded by the Racing Foundation being demonstrated to vets with the help of BTRC Peter Pan. Every racecourse in Britain will be given one of these in what has been described as a “major equine welfare initiative”.
Noting the importance of using Thoroughbred’s for the Seminar, ARVS Chairman, James Bosley said “It’s extremely important for us to use Thoroughbreds during the course as we are trying to make it a practical based course as the job is very practical. Having access to retired Thoroughbreds to practice putting casts, Robert Jones bandages on etc, is fundamental to the nature of the course.’
It was wonderful to see retired horses being such an excellent resource to aid this invaluable and vital training for the benefit of future racehorses and their welfare.

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