Sun Shines for Holker Hall Pleasure Hack

MORE THAN 100 riders took part in a unique opportunity to ride from the famous Cartmel Racecourse to Holker Hall thanks to the BTRC Ride for Retraining campaign. The sun was shining as riders enjoyed a leisurely hack through woodland trails, pristine parkland and rolling hills, taking in the stunning scenery of Cumbria’s coastline whilst raising money for the charity.

In only its second year, the event offered a new longer route for riders to enjoy. The new route ran through private parts of Holker Hall that are usually unseen to the public. It proved very popular with 70% of riders choosing to enjoy the hack for as long as possible by taking the longer route!

Ailsa Gibson said of the event ‘Thank you for a great ride today, so well organised and marshalled, and a lovely area. Was great to ride on Holker Hall land for once.’

Whilst Karen Lee-McGurk added ‘Lovely hack today. So well organised, friendly helpful stewards, thank you for giving your time. Stunning scenery and Forrest tracks.’

The day was supported by volunteers from The Riding for Disabled Furness Group (Rda Furness) who assisted with stewarding along the route to ensure a safe and happy ride for all. Also on hand to ensure a safe ride were volunteer paramedics and first aiders from BAE Systems in Barrow. Without these kind people who generously gave up their time the event would not have been such a success!

‘Ride for Retraining’ is a nationwide initiative that was launched in 2016 to mark the 25th Anniversary of The British Thoroughbred Retraining Centre. To celebrate the BTRC’s Silver Jubilee, the Centre is hoping to raise £100,000 to increase the size of the yard from 40 boxes to 80 and so double the number of horses that can be helped every year.